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Android App Hydraulic CALC Pro gratis statt CHF 8.70

Android App Hydraulic CALC Pro gratis statt CHF 8.70

gratis CHF 8.70 -100% Zum Deal

Noch zwei Tage erhält man die Android App Hydraulic CALC Pro gratis statt für CHF 8.70. Mit der App lassen sich hydraulische Berechnungen anstellen und sie enthält viele hydraulische Formeln, die vor allem im Tiefbau benötigt werden.

Die App hat bei 57 Bewertungen 5/5 Sternen erhalten.

Hier die komplette Liste der Funktionen:

– flow section property : circular
– flow section property : rectangular
– flow section property : trapezoidal
– flow section property : triangular
– flow section property : parabolic
– hydraulic radius
– hydraulic mean depth
– reynolds number : dynamic viscosity
– reynolds number : kinematic viscosity
– froude number
– continuity equation : velocity
– continuity equation : discharge
– ref : properties of water : specific weight
– ref : properties of water : density
– ref : properties of water : dynamic viscosity
– ref : properties of water : kinematic viscosity
– ref : properties of water : surface tension
– ref : properties of water : modulus of elasticity
– ref : properties of water : vapor pressure
– ref : specific gravity
– ref : roughness height

– manning formula
– manning formula : circular
– manning formula : rectangular
– manning formula : trapezoidal
– manning formula : triangular
– manning formula : parabolic
– ref : manning roughness coefficient
– kutter formula
– kutter formula : circular
– kutter formula : rectangular
– kutter formula : trapezoidal
– kutter formula : triangular
– kutter formula : parabolic

– hazen–williams equation
– ref : hazen–williams roughness coefficient
– darcy–weisbach equation
– darcy friction factor : laminar flow
– darcy friction factor : turbulent flow : colebrook–white equation
– darcy friction factor : turbulent flow : swamee–jain equation
– darcy friction factor : turbulent flow : alternatively
– minor loss : entrance
– minor loss : submerged discharge
– minor loss : sudden contraction
– minor loss : sudden expansion
– minor loss : gradual contraction
– minor loss : gradual expansion
– minor loss : bending
– minor loss : elbow
– minor loss : valve

– weir : rectangular : discharge
– weir : rectangular : head
– weir : triangular : discharge
– weir : triangular : head
– orifice : velocity
– orifice : head
– pump : pressure to head
– pump : mass flow to volumetric flow
– pump : net positive suction head : head
– pump : net positive suction head : pressure
– pump : head
– pump : power
– pump : torque
– pump : temperature rise
– pump : specific speed at BEP

– time of concentration : US FAA
– time of concentration : kinematic wave
– time of concentration : kerby
– time of concentration : kirpich
– time of concentration : izzard
– ref : runoff coefficient
– ref : manning overland flow roughness coefficient
– ref : kerby retardance coefficient
– ref : kirpich adjustment factor


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